Wholistic Thermography is a Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) business in the Northeast using medical grade FDA Registered screening equipment. WT provides expert medical interpretation by trained and Board-Certified Thermologists, based on careful anatomical and physiological observations of the thermal (heat or cool) patterns present over the body. Our physicians are excellent at assessing the areas in question and indicating if further medical investigation is needed. The images also show areas, organs, and systems of thermal stability.

Indication for Thermographic Evaluation
Welcome to Wholistic Thermography, your gateway to proactive health and well-being. Our clients trust us for routine breast and full-body scans that unveil health insights hidden from standard diagnostics. Through the incredible power of thermography, we can detect conditions and diseases in their earliest stages, often well before they become detectable through traditional tests. Discover a new dimension of health awareness and make informed choices. Join us today on your journey to vitality.
Thermography represents an affordable solution for nearly your whole body. Thermal Imaging uses a digital infrared camera with software that picks up heat and cool patterns over your body, creating a digitized picture that reveals inflammation, dysfunction, illness or disease process. These patterns can reflect acute and chronic conditions, which are compromised and need attention.
Heat Reveals

The Magic of Thermography Unveiled
Beyond Breast Health
Experience a non-invasive and private breast health screening with Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (Thermography) for early detection, ensuring your well-being.
Beyond Breast Health

Full body scans
Unlock the power of early detection and objective evidence with our non-invasive Full Body or Region of Interest Health Screening using Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (Thermography). Find answers for pain, soft-tissue injuries, and healing progress. Experience a private, radiation-free procedure, and bring a companion for peace of mind.
Thermography Truths: Unveiling the Science
All women can benefit from breast thermography, however, it is especially appropriate for younger women (30-50) whose denser breast tissue makes it difficult for mammography to be effective.
Research has shown that women who wear bras for 12 hours or more each day, greatly increase breast cancer risk. 90% of women with fibrocystic breast tissue find improvement in their breast health when they stop wearing a bra.
Thermography of the breast can detect abnormality from 8-10 years before a mammogram can detect a mass. This is an opportunity of earlier detection of breast disease, than is possible with breast self-examination, physician palpation, or mammography alone.

Treatment Approach
Therapy by Essence of Pure Living, is individualized based on one’s needs and allows an integrative approach that will assist one in gaining a healthy and balanced self. Treatment from EPL focuses on healing and prevention to amplify our body's natural healing abilities, improve each body system's function, and bring a state of calmness and peace of mind.
Why Choose Us
Roxann K, PA

Thermography is an in-depth reading and analysis of your overall health. It's safe, comprehensive, and very detailed to show inflammation in the body, and lymphatic congestion, vascular system issues, and it can also detect abnormalities years before a mammogram. This is most important to optimize your health and prevent diseases. I highly recommend it!
Melissa F, Berwick, PA

I had my first mammogram at age 45, however it was extremely painful and traumatizing. After the 4th mammogram I realized the pain I was enduring could be causing more injury than the benefit of a mammogram. When visiting with another natural health professional, she recommended a thermoscan with Sherry Cummings. At first, I was very uncertain and nervous since I did not understand what was involved, however Sherry Cummings of Your Thermal Imaging (now Wholistic Thermography) was extremely professional and patient, explaining each detail of the process. I have had 9 thermoscans with Sherry and after each visit I receive a very comprehensive physicians report. When I had questions Sherry was always helpful in interpreting the results. Do not delay considering a thermoscan with Sherry Cummings Strayer, you will wonder why you waited so long!
Karen Stimely & daughters

After repeat mammograms (9 in one day!) and a negative biopsy, our nutritionist and trusted friend told us about thermography and Sherry Cummings. After researching about the unknown technology for breast health, we were quite surprised to learn thermography is a much safer way (no radiation!) to find abnormalities, and is a much earlier detection method. We have been seeing Sherry for over five years now and appreciate the very detailed reports from the team of doctors and the extensive knowledge that Sherry provides in our overall health. We would recommend thermograms not just for women, but also for anyone looking for more insight to what's going on in their body.
Beth Bittner

In January of 2009, I found a lump in my left breast. I had had my routine mammogram September of 2009, so I didn’t stress, assumed it was likely a cyst, but called for an appointment to have it checked out. In January of 2010, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, had a left mastectomy in February, and chemo and Herceptin beginning in April. During that time, a local health food store, (Wholesome Living) and chiropractor (Dr. Kris Arnold of Live Well Chiropractic) hosted a workshop on clean eating. I attended it and a few more of Dr. Kris’ workshops, and eventually became a patient. As I became more and more knowledgeable, I learned about thermography. Since I have dense breasts, a better protocol for me would be yearly MRIs and a thermoscan. I consulted with my PCP, and she was on board. I learned of Sherry through Live Well Chiropractic. She travels there monthly to do thermoscans. However, she has accommodated my crazy schedule and opened up her home office to me and other clients to complete my yearly, usually full body, thermoscan. I love that Sherry is a registered nurse because I love the marriage of traditional and holistic medicine. Sherry is constantly educating herself, often traveling to obtain the most recent research findings. I always receive my thermoscan results from Sherry in a timely manner. She often compares last year's thermoscan with the one we are presently doing, but qualifies her findings by saying we’ll have to wait and see what the Thermologist says. And she understands the doc’s thermal imaging interpretation. Finally, Sherry is always available to go over your scan once the doc has read your pictures, which can easily take 30 to 60 minutes plus. She explains things in a manner that I can understand, and answers all my questions. Even though she sells a lot of holistic products, she never pushes her products, just recommends what she feels could truly be beneficial. She also recommends bloodwork that you can choose to explore with your PCP. My only negative about Sherry is that she lives a distance away from me. I would love to take advantage of so many of her other services—Raindrop Technique, Educational Opportunities, Infrared Biomat, etc.

At Wholistic Thermography in PA, our mission is to provide value to each of our clients by creating a comfortable and individualized experience. We are committed to excellence as we gain the insight needed to assist our clients in forward movement to wellness and healthcare strategies that are important for their healing.

“The American College of Clinical Thermology (ACCT) is one of the longest established, largest and most trusted professional organizations dedicated to the advancement of thermology and thermography through education, research, innovation and professional development. Thermology can play an integral part in monitoring and maintaining health and wellbeing over a patient’s lifetime. As a non-invasive, completely safe test of physiology, Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging can provide healthcare professionals with unique findings that are adjunctive to other specialized tests that don’t show pain and dysfunction. ‘DITI is often the missing piece of the clinical puzzle’ ”.
“Research and development which led to the formation of Meditherm Inc. started in 1993. By 2000 the first prototype camera was built, the FDA pre-market approval was submitted and by 2002 Meditherm gained its manufacturer’s license. Meditherm Inc. has been designing, manufacturing, and distributing high performance digital infrared thermal imaging technologies ever since. The Meditherm systems are renowned for their build quality and reliability and continue to bring innovative imaging solutions within extensive applications in the clinical and medical market, where they contribute non-invasive physiological findings and results that can be pivotal in many areas of diagnosis, monitoring and research.”